Federal skilled workers with roots from several foreign countries make up the majority of Canada’s immigrants yearly. The Federal Skilled Worker Program selects qualified applicants based on the abilities they have to offer to make Canada a globally established nation. Approved candidates qualify for permanent residency because they have the skills and expertise to fill up the vacant positions in the country’s labor market.
Permanent residency applicants with at least 12 months of work experience in selected fields can apply for the Federal Skilled Worker Category (FSWC). The skilled worker category accommodates all foreign nationals provided applicants score the minimum required points under the Point Score System. The processing time is faster when Federal Skilled Workers send in their applications through Express Entry streams other than applying at a visa office.
Applicants must have 12 months of work experience in skilled occupations under the category 0, A, or B of the NOC. Canada immigration uses the National Occupation Classification (NOC) criteria for granting skilled workers permanent residency. All professional occupations are categorized under the NOC A occupations while managerial jobs are categorized under NOC 0 occupations. Candidates with full-time technical work experience and skilled trades are often categorized under the NOC B occupations.
It’s rather mandatory for all applicants under the Skilled Worker Category to ace their point system tests. Candidates that score above the minimum point system requirement have a chance of getting their permanent residency approved under the Skilled Worker Category. Canada immigration sets a pass mark minimum of 67 points out of the 100 points available to assess foreign nationals. Here are the factors used in assessing the point system:
Candidates can predict their total score by adding up the points allocated to each factor under the point system. Applicants can also send in their scores to an SRD personnel for calculation and confirmation on their eligibility status for the Skilled Worker Category. Below is a detailed description of each factor surrounding the point system for permanent residency applicants:
To help Skilled Workers increase their chances of getting their permanent residency approved, the program awards point to each applicant’s education level. The awarded points vary from 5 pts for high school credentials to 25 pts for foreign Ph.D. holders. All educational documents tendered should be in line with the Canadian Assessment Report.
Language abilities are mandatory for applicants under the Skilled Worker Category. Candidates must be skilled at writing, listening, and speaking both or either English and French languages. The point system requires a minimum of CLB 7 for first language applicants and CLB 5 for second language applicants under the Skilled Worker Program. Applicants can, however, increase their language test scores to a total of 28 points.
For every work-year experience, skilled workers are assigned points to help categorize the experience level of applicants. Candidates can earn up to 15 points maximum for having worked up to six years before applying under the Skilled Worker Category. Canada immigration expects applicants to provide reference letters from previous or current employers to highlight their work duties and employment time frame.
Permanent residency applicants under the Skilled Worker Program between the age of 18 and 35 years get 12 points. On the other hand, for every additional year an applicant has after the maximum 35 years of age limit, they lose one point.
Applicants already in Canada with a work permit from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) under a Canadian employer – would automatically earn 10 points for being an arranged employee in Canada. Candidates with an offer of employment pending resumption in Canada based on an LMIA also get to earn similar 10 points.
Applicants with spouses or common-law partners that are proficient in English and French language ability get extra points for adaptability. Skilled workers with partners that have a one-year minimum work experience or two years studying in Canada also qualify for points of adaptability.
Financial sustainability for skilled workers looking to migrate to Canada is a major requirement for obtaining permanent residency. Upon arrival, applicants need more than enough funds to secure an apartment, feed, and scout their provinces for available employment opportunities. The amount expected of each foreign immigrant is determined by the total family size. Applicants that already have jobs or have pending arrangements for employments can skip this requirement.
Aside from the financial requirement, work experience, age, education level, and language ability, skilled workers and their family members must not be inadmissible to Canada. They must have a clean criminal record sheet and be in good health at the time of application.
Going through the Express Entry system when applying for permanent residency under the Skilled Worker Category is faster than approaching a visa office directly. Applicants are required to fill and complete an online profile and await an invitation to get their permanent residency through Express Entry.
SRD Legal has continuously helped numerous foreign nationals in obtaining their permanent residency status through the Skilled Workers Category. If you’d like to begin the process of applying for the Skilled Worker Program, kindly contact an SRD Legal agent by clicking here.
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